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Become a volunteer

Join us in making a meaningful impact on the lives of those in need. As a volunteer at Sai Tina Foundation, you'll have the opportunity to contribute your time and skills to various initiatives, including education, disaster relief, women's empowerment, and more. Together, we can bring hope and positive change to communities.

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Happy Giving

Your generosity can make a world of difference. By supporting Sai Tina Foundation, you help us provide essential services and resources to underserved populations. Whether it's funding educational programs, disaster relief efforts, or community development projects, your contributions are vital to our mission.

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Every donation counts. Your financial support enables us to continue our work in transforming lives and building stronger communities. From providing scholarships to children to supporting women's vocational training, your donations are used to create lasting positive impacts.

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Giving is Virtue.

At Sai Tina Foundation, we believe in the power of giving. Your contributions help us bridge the gap between needs and solutions, bringing light to the lives of those who need it most.

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Love is at the core of everything we do. By fostering a sense of love and community, we create a supportive environment where everyone can thrive.


Compassion drives our efforts to make a difference. We extend our hands and hearts to those in need, offering support and understanding to help them overcome challenges.


Charity is a noble act that transforms lives. Through our various charitable initiatives, we strive to provide essential resources and opportunities to the underserved, paving the way for a brighter future.

Our Gallery

Welcome to the Sai Tina Foundation Gallery, a visual journey through our impactful projects and the communities we serve. Here, you can witness the transformation brought about by our dedicated efforts in various fields such as education, disaster management, women's empowerment, heritage conservation, and more. Each image tells a story of hope, resilience, and progress, reflecting our commitment to making a difference in the lives of those in need.

Our Projects. Support Us

Sai Tina Foundation is dedicated to making a positive impact on our community through various projects. Your support can help us achieve our goals and bring about meaningful change.

Trees Plantation

We are committed to environmental sustainability. Our tree plantation initiatives aim to restore natural habitats, reduce carbon footprints, and promote a greener, healthier planet.

River Cleaning

Our river cleaning projects focus on removing pollutants and restoring the natural beauty of our water bodies. By maintaining clean rivers, we protect aquatic life and ensure safe water for future generations.

Food Drives

We organize food drives to combat hunger and provide nutritious meals to those in need. Through community support, we distribute food to underprivileged families, ensuring no one goes to bed hungry.

Books Distribution

Education is a powerful tool for change. Our books distribution program aims to provide educational resources to children and adults, fostering a love for learning and helping individuals reach their full potential.

Women's Empowerment

We believe in the strength and potential of women. Our projects focus on providing skills training, resources, and support to empower women and promote gender equality in all aspects of life.

Disaster Relief

In times of crisis, we step in to provide immediate relief and support to affected communities. Our disaster relief efforts include providing food, shelter, medical aid, and other essential services to those impacted by natural or man-made disasters.

Recent From Blog

Stay updated with our latest news, stories, and updates from the Sai Tina Foundation. Discover how we are making a difference in the community and learn how you can get involved.

Empowering Communities

Sep. 15th 21

Our mission to empower local communities has seen remarkable progress. Through various initiatives, we are helping individuals build sustainable livelihoods and create a brighter future for themselves and their families.

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Education for All

Sep. 15th 21

Education is a cornerstone of our efforts. We are dedicated to ensuring that every child has access to quality education, providing them with the tools and knowledge to succeed in life.

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Health and Wellness

Sep. 15th 21

Promoting health and wellness is essential for a thriving community. Our health programs focus on providing medical aid, spreading awareness, and fostering a healthy lifestyle among the people we serve.

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