About US

Sai Tina Foundation is a philanthropic, for-profit organization dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions to social challenges. Our organization, led by Founder and Chairperson, Santosh Chaudhary, focuses on transforming lives through initiatives in education, sports for development, disaster management, heritage conservation, women's empowerment, arts, culture, and rural development.

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Our mission is to empower individuals to lead productive lives by fostering a progressive community. We strive to create a sense of altruism and responsibility among citizens, encouraging them to think beyond their personal needs and contribute to the greater good.


Our vision is to pave the way for underprivileged communities by providing access to quality education, career opportunities, and a functional healthcare system. We aim to uplift the poor, vulnerable, elderly, and middle-aged individuals, ensuring they have the support they need to thrive.

Our Values

We believe in love, compassion, and charity as fundamental values. These principles guide our actions and initiatives, ensuring we make a positive impact on the lives of those we serve.

Our Gallery

Welcome to the Sai Tina Foundation Gallery, a visual journey through our impactful projects and the communities we serve. Here, you can witness the transformation brought about by our dedicated efforts in various fields such as education, disaster management, women's empowerment, heritage conservation, and more. Each image tells a story of hope, resilience, and progress, reflecting our commitment to making a difference in the lives of those in need.